Welcome to HnK Architecture

We are Specialized

HnK a sol­id rep­u­ta­tion for deliv­er­ing excep­tion­al archi­tec­tur­al and inte­ri­or design ser­vices to pri­vate sec­tor, and indus­tri­al clients.

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Archi­tec­ture is our pas­sion, turn­ing ideas into real­i­ty and giv­ing build­ings a time­less foot­print in a com­mu­ni­ty are the val­ues HnK was built on. 
We offer home fur­ni­ture in a vari­ety of styles for every room in your house home, dis­cov­er a styl­ish selec­tion of fur­ni­ture and home decor at here. 
We view land­scape design as an inte­gral part of our archi­tec­ture prac­tice, allow­ing build­ing and site to become an expres­sion of a sin­gu­lar vision. 

Who is behind the best architecture services in town & FAQ

John Doe is a mod­ern design­er, founder and direc­tor of HnK Archi­tects. John Doe grad­u­at­ed from Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­struc­tion and Archi­tec­ture and from Aca­d­e­m­ic School of Design in UK. In 2003, intu­itive­ly under­stand­ing that future lies in design, he found­ed HnK.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­secte­tur adip­isc­ing elit. Ut elit tel­lus, luc­tus nec ullam­cor­p­er mat­tis, pul­v­inar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­secte­tur adip­isc­ing elit. Ut elit tel­lus, luc­tus nec ullam­cor­p­er mat­tis, pul­v­inar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­secte­tur adip­isc­ing elit. Ut elit tel­lus, luc­tus nec ullam­cor­p­er mat­tis, pul­v­inar dapibus leo.

Neues Förderprogramm für Familien

Das neue KfW-Förder­pro­gramm “Wohneigen­tum für Fam­i­lien – Bestand­ser­werb” (auch “Jung kauft Alt”) unter­stützt F… 

GEG 2024

Hier kön­nen Sie sich über die zu erwarte… 

Why choose us?

Our projects win awards, we are pub­lished in the world known mag­a­zines and websites.
We are invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate in exhi­bi­tions and competitions.


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Free Consultation

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Superior Quality

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Honest & Dependable

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Win Awards

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Competitive Rates

Lorem Ipsum is sim­ply dum­my text of the print­ing and typesetting

Do you need Professionals to project

What Our Clients Say?

We look to our differences to bring a richness of perspective.

Our team takes over every­thing, from an idea and con­cept devel­op­ment to real­iza­tion. We believe in tra­di­tions and incor­po­rate them with­in our inno­va­tions. All our projects incor­po­rate a unique artis­tic image and func­tion­al solu­tions. Client is the soul of the project.

Projects com­plet­ed on time and on bud­get with a high lev­el of cus­tomer satisfaction.
Work­ing Hours with enthu­si­asm and pas­sion to deliv­er out­stand­ing service.
Hap­py Clients from all around the world received extreme­ly cre­ative designs.
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